After a very long time , a movie that inspired my thoughts to start my blogging . The Social Network based on the life story of Mark Zuckerberg the Co-founder of facebook. It means there was another guy "Savarin" was part of facebook,.
The words uttered by Mark's girl friend , struck him like a hammer to prove that he is not a jerk. He creates a network page within Harvard University , to rate girls initially under the name facemash.com. It received 22000 hits within a single day. The Harvard server crashed due to heavy traffic.
He faces an enquiry under the disciplinary committee , criticizing his actions on hacking the server , unauthorized sharing of pictures and of course crashing the server. Marks reply was the spot light " I apologize to any women at Harvard as they think they were insulted but i expect recognition from the computer department , since i was able to spot the loop holes in your securit system".
Next marks the entry of Cameron and Taylor (twins)two graduates of the Harvard school , who really came with the idea of developing a Harvard network exclusively to Harvard students. Then Mark realized that his web page facemash was visited by 22000 people not because of finding girls but they could find the girls whom they know and lost in touch. So he came tried to develop a social page where all information is made available to all.
He developed the page with a initial investment of $1000 and later 18000$ for promoting the site . When the popularity raised , cameron and taylor sued him for stealign his idea. Within 6 months facebook had 1 million members , and went public issue . Savarin was sabotaged by "Seaun parker"- founder of napster . Mark's life had intelligent twists and turns filled with betrayal , greed , intelligence , glamour and all the adjectives one can think of.
There is nothing big to talk about the making of the movie since the life of Mark was too dominating to notice that.Finally , Mark settelled all the issues by payig 65 million dollars to the twins and his close friend was settled with an undisclosed amount and he later went on to become the youngest billionaire who is valued at $25 billion.
After watching the movie , one could find similarity in attitude of Mark and Dirubhai (Guru) the difference is the nature of the industry they both excelled in. May be they have same ideology in business