The Word Tsunami which remained anonymous to Indians, came to limelight just 5 years back. It has been five years since the occurrence of dreadful incident that shook entire world taking the death toll to more than two hundred thousand .Even the word was uttered by Kamal Hassan in anbe sivam but only few could make notice of it, later he went a step further to recreate the effects of Tsunami in the silver screen. The Christmas celebrations still not faded and fervently awaiting for the new year to begin with richness and prosperity ,but it short-lived.
The entire world mourned for the nature’s fury on minnows (humans),though i may skeptical about this but that’s the hard core truth .Still now technology cannot predict the occurrence of earthquake ,we could just measure the intensity as readings taken in the lab experiment. This made serous thinking about the safety requirements and technological developments that we lack in.
On December 26 ,2009 fifth anniversary for those who have lost their loved ones ,recalled those horrifying moments .With the blink of an eye everything vanished ,we could just only watch people dying everywhere. Trauma of the incident may have gone in the minds of the victims but the scars still remains in their heart.
Philanthropist came forward to help those who are stranded ,orphaned and tried to resettle them back to their own place. The contributions made by the entire nation to restructure the lives of the victims symbolized the brotherhood of the nation.
A drop of tear is what I can give to the tsunami victims, “I pray the almighty please forgive us for all the things we have done ,we earthlings can’t bear such ferocity one more time”.
I am aware of tsunami even before kamal's anbe sivam.Sadly,that doesn't matter.1000's near my home lost their dear one's which cannot be compensated by any means.let the souls of everyone who lost their lives to tsunami RIP..