Monday, December 7, 2009

"My date Of Joining"

The day which was murmured by all engineers of 2008 batch,the day everyone longed for. The day which is considered as a pride, the day that you consider yourself being in the shoes of your father ,the day that created pride in you,I am referring to my joining date in Keane.I got a call from bangalore asking me whether you are in a position to join Keane On dec 3 as a software trainee.The moment i heard this, i felt a mix of emotions running through my veins,"anger" why the hell did you give me the offer, "disgust" do they think all to be fools to wait for one and half years,"annoyed " asking me to join in another 4 days.
For everyone it is a day to celebrate but for me it turned out to be day i deeply regret for happening so late.The things which are not received on time may not be appreciated that applies even to my life.I am totally out of the mindset of programming and i deely loved my management subjects ,i chose not to join Keane.I am totally in the phase of reading and learning new concepts of management.I remembered the lines of frost,
"Two roads diverged in the wood and
i chose the road less travelled by"
I might consider it to be my destiny rather than someone creating my destiny.
After too much of consultation and thinking i came to the conclusion to pursue MBA , i chose what my heart desired but my brain asked me to work.I always believe in the doing things that keeps me lifted and for tat I consider this as a platform to learn.
The decision i made today is a crucial part of my life whether it turns out to be a fruitful one or a bad one ,days will answer those.What ever may be the result I always give my best in the upcoming ventures.



  1. Hey this will be a fantastic decision, as we would hope to see Vinodh as a manager straightaway rather than Vinodh working under a manager..It'll boost ur morale definitely :) Keep going :)

  2. Best choice dont wry...

  3. ela dont worry be happy :) best things wil come ur wishes for the same :)

  4. Nedu.. Evalavo pannita itha panna maatiya

  5. No pheelings dada!! come what may, stand by wat decision u take, it ll reach u to greater heights!!

    All the very best!! :)

  6. They dont deserve u man!! keep going...u ll reach great heights..all the best da!
