Just to wail away slow ticks of every day, I grabbed some books to read. I got some of the Chetan Bhagat books 2 states, 3 mistakes of my life and 5 point someone. Each had its own flavor but literally the style remained same .You can relate yourself at major part since all are real life incidents with some additional commercial flavor in it. The book is vivid and simple to keep you engaged unless you reach the epilogue, that’s why it kept me going I guess.
“2 states “, a vibrant portrait of the Indian linguistic differences, cultural diversity and its shortcomings. Hatred to mingle with different sect of people , preconceived notion about the SouthIndians ,age old cultural values gives a perspective into the attitude of the parents towards their Childs marriage. Protagonist in this book , actually an MBA who handles the problems in style .At times he was surmounted by the pressure of his Mom, lover and work but he displays composure and character at all times .

“3 mistakes of my life “, story that circles around three friends who had their own interests Business, Religion and Cricket. The ruckus story keeps heavy at heart and sustained anger towards the religious attitude of the hidutva. 3 guys approach towards life was sensible and practical .Their commitment towards their own interest had a message internally. The climax had gory ending where they encounter the riot headed by their own uncle ,lost one their friend in the struggle. All this to save a child prodigy who can turn out to be the next Sachin.

In all the above 3 books ,there are similarities in the narration ,use of words and style of writing. Unlike the usual novel where u come across a detailed description of the eventual happenings ,here you find it happening just like a blink of an eye .Some questions might arise in your mind as How did this happened ? how did he do that? What made her to fall in love with the protagonist? Remains unanswered to me.